
德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® offers courses to help brokers plan and measure business goals: Building a Business Plan that Gets Results; and Successful Business Plan: Where are You Now? 该课程是认证2021十大正规彩票app经纪(CRB)经理指定的一部分, 但是代理人和经纪人可以在不追求指定的情况下注册这些单独的课程. 访问 yuandianwan.com/findacourse to register for these and other classes.

As a broker, you’re watching your performance numbers closely. You know what your brokerage needs to work on. 但你能做些什么来巩固这些结果,并建立一个更成功的企业呢?

两位长期从事2021十大正规彩票app教育的专家为您讲解如何改进您的指标. 蒂姆·比尔里(Tim Beary)是达拉斯-沃斯堡地区比尔尼斯家园(Beary Nice Homes)的经纪人兼所有者. He also teaches the course Successful Business Plan: Where Are You Now? 帕特强, a San Antonio-based broker and real estate coach, 于2006年被评为德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®年度教育家,并于2016年获得终身成就卓越教育奖,并于2020年获得杰出服务奖.

Tap Into Spheres of Influence for More Conversations

销售从何而来? 任命. 约会从何而来? Contact with new and existing clients—the top of the sales funnel.

How do your agents keep track of the people they talk to? If your brokerage doesn’t have a customer relationship management system, 买一个,然后训练每个人使用它, 强大的说. Otherwise you are not keeping up with your business in a systematic way. “I know of agents with sticky notes all over their desks. They write their contacts’ information on the notes. Do you think they’re following up with them regularly? No.”

Agents should be keeping in touch with their spheres of influence. 大力提倡发送视频文本. Beary补充说,专注于你的数据库是一种比陌生电话更有效的接触人们的方式.

How much time are your agents spending on lead generation and nurturing? He recommends devoting three hours to it every workday. There is no such thing as spending too much time on it.

“我职业生涯早期的一位2021十大正规彩票app教练2021十大正规彩票app我,在预约之前,你应该先领导generate, 这是你的工作日,他说. “如果三个小时还不足以获得线索和预约,那就继续做下去.”

Require Practicing Scripts to Help Conversion Rates

比尔里说,许多2021十大正规彩票app经纪人认为花两个小时打电话是成功的标志. “It’s not the hours on the phone; it’s the number of conversations you’re having and then the conversion rate of those conversations into appointments and then signed agreements.”


Newer agents are more focused on booking appointments and building rapport. They are still working on their scripts and dialogues. 比尔里说,他们的目标应该是把一半到75%的约会变成买方代表或卖方上市协议. 更有经验的代理商正在完善他们的数据库,并且主要是与非常有可能签约的合格的潜在客户预约. 经验丰富的经纪人应该将80%到90%的预约转化为协议.

“练习剧本和对话与提高转化率之间存在直接联系,他说. “Get comfortable with the conversations. Make your conversations more effective and efficient.”

You can train agents on listing presentations, 强大的说. If you don’t have time to train new hires, record your trainings and build a training library over time.

Ensure Correct Pricing to Close More Sales

How many listings did your brokerage close in a given period? Why didn’t some of those homes sell, or why did they take longer to sell? 斯特朗说,这可能是因为经纪人不知道如何正确地为房屋定价.

Your agents need to study their markets closely, Beary says. “What is going on in your market area? 列出的库存是什么?这些库存的平均上市天数是多少? 销售价格是多少? 所有这些都是MLS数据.”

从那里,你的经纪人应该知道房屋的售价是高于,还是低于挂牌价. 价格合适的房子会卖出去,尤其是在当前的市场.

Know the Market to Plan More Effectively

Beary recommends brokers review listing inventory closely. How many days were your brokerage’s listings on the market? How many showings did each listing get? How many showings took place in a particular neighborhood or ZIP code? 这些数据点应该能让你了解市场的情况,以及你对代理商的期望.

Whether sales goals are personal or company-wide, put them in writing. You’ll know if the goals are too low if you surpass them too easily.

You don’t pull sales goals out of thin air. 销售目标是雄心勃勃的,但植根于业务需求和过去的表现. Sales goals can motivate agents and incentivize improvement.

斯特朗2021十大正规彩票app,无论销售目标是个人的还是全公司的,都要把它们写下来. You’ll know if the goals are too low if you surpass them too easily. She knows of a brokerage that beat its annual sales goal in March. Annual goals should be reviewed quarterly, she says.

在比尔的公司,年度目标被分解成月度目标和每周目标. 代理人每周回顾他们的目标,以确保他们在当月的轨道上,每个月回顾,以确保他们在全年的轨道上.

Pay attention to which agents remain near the required minimum. They may need additional coaching or training…

“我从许多导师那里听到的一个典型的商业规划策略是:你认为你今年能做成多少生意? 现在翻倍。. 无论你一年完成50笔交易还是100笔交易,完成交易的步骤都是一样的. 你的心态和动力与你在2021十大正规彩票app行业的成功有很大关系. 所以目标要更高.


教练只能到此为止. Your rules and expectations can set the course for the firm.

许多经纪公司都有每个经纪人每月需要完成的最低交易数量. Both educators advised keeping track of each agent’s closed sales.

Pay attention to which agents remain near the required minimum, 强大的说. 他们可能需要额外的指导或工具培训,如REALTORS®Property Resource. Bringing underperforming agents up to speed could make a big difference. 如果一个代理继续落后,你可能需要考虑与那个人分道扬镳.

According to Beary, your metrics should be your business drivers. “真的, 一个2021十大正规彩票app经纪人每天只有五份赚钱的工作:练习剧本和对话, 获得领导地位, 去赴约, 写合同, 完成销售.”